CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL "Manna and Mercy" in the Briggs Building.
SENIOR HIGH and CONFIRMATION "Manna and Mercy" in the Youth Room
ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL class meets in the conference room at 9:30 a.m. Sundays between services. All are welcome to join us.
NOVEMBER 10 As part of our 125th Anniversary Celebration, we welcome son of the congre-gation, Deacon David Webb, as well as Pastor Christie Webb and their children. Deacon Webb will share the story of Ruth as part of a special “Godly Play” children’s message. The service will include national hymns and recognition of veterans.
NOVEMBER 17 Pastor Aaron Layne, former Calvary seminary intern, will be our Anniversary Celebration guest preacher at both services. The Handbell Choir will play Thanksgiving hymns.
NOVEMBER 24 “Reign of Christ Sunday” will be the November “alternative” service as the Praise Team leads us in praise to Christ the King.
NOVEMBER 29 Decorating for the Seasons of Advent and Christmas will be Friday, Nov. 29, beginning at 9 a.m. All are invited to help prepare the in-side and outside of Calvary Lu-theran to welcome the holiday season and those who join us for our worship services and special events.
Opportunities to Give
BLESSING BOX: We need donations for the Blessing Box! We suggest easy-open, single-serve packaging, with plastic preferred over glass containers. We suggest canned items like soup, canned pasta, corn, green beans; microwave meals like Hormel complete meals, ravioli, spaghetti, single serve mac and cheese (no boxes); fruit pies; baby food in pouches or plastic containers; any variety of peanut butter (16 oz. plastic jar); applesauce and fruit cups (all varieties); ramen noodles or chow mein meals; individual bagged instant potatoes (all varieties); beanie weenies; individual boxes/bowls of cereal; instant oatmeal; Pop Tarts; Fruit and Grain bars; chewy granola bars (any variety); personal items like soap, chap stick, deodorant, powder, hand sanitizers, toilet paper, toothbrushes; pet food and treats. Donations may be brought to the church or placed in the box.
KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS: From August 1 to October 31, 38 households earned $138.94 in Kroger Community Rewards. Is your Kroger Plus card linked to Calvary Lutheran Church? If not, speak with Pastor Tom for instructions.